May 2, 2013

5 lessons I've learned this week on Flexibility

So this has been a week of flexibility lessons for me.....and no, not the kind that you would get at the gym or elsewhere for those who might be thinking crazy thoughts right, rather the kind that teach us to "go with the flow". After a nice weekend, I should have known the week would throw me some curves to kind of keep the know that balance between things going great and things going not so great, so as to keep things grounded and even. Without going into too much boring detail, this week has included two trips to the doctors with my kids, a way too early in the morning conversation with my kids when I didn't have to wake up so early, 1 trip to the ER because Brody swallowed a penny, forgetting to put shoes on Caroline and realizing it only after I dropped her off at school, leaving my classroom keys and school work at home (the same morning I forgot to put shoes on Caroline....), a computer glitch with some standardized testing, (which for anyone who reads this that's in the school business knows how big a deal that can be), and a few other trivial things that really are no big deal in the grand scheme of things, but were still enough to knock me off balance a little so to speak. While reflecting today upon this past week and the events of the week, I took some time to list what I shall call "flexibility lessons" courtesy of the curves thrown to me this week....I thought I'd share in case anyone who might be reading this needs a little pep talk and reminder on the importance of being able to "go with the flow" and be flexible....who doesn't need these reminders on occasion, right?

1. Flexibility lesson one....take time to listen even if it's not really what you want to do.

2. Flexibility lesson can't control everything, and sometimes you shouldn't try

3. Flexibility lesson three......always be prepared for the unexpected and adapt accordingly

4. Flexibility lesson four....always consider that your day might not go as planned and you may need to hit restart....but it will get better

5. Flexibility lesson five....if at first you don't succeed....keep on trying. Eventually, it will work out

 I once heard somewhere that we grow as people when we are stretched and flexibility does go hand in hand with stretching- the more you are stretched, the more flexible you become...In life, there are many curves that come our way. The key to managing those curves is to recognize them when you see them coming and learn to be flexible with your approach based on the direction of the curve....kind of like I suspect a batter in baseball might approach a curve ball thrown at him. (It is that time of year, so I couldn't resist the baseball analogy-though not sure how accurate it's just what I think)...just a little food for thought for those of you who might be struggling with some of those curves.

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