August 27, 2012

Kids and the things they say

So, we've started another school year and it has blown in with full force. Within the first few weeks, we have all been sick and each missed a day of work/school. However, I am hopeful now that we've gotten that out of the way the rest of the year will be uneventful in the sickness department. I simply do not have time to be sick!! We are getting ready to kick off our first game of the season this Friday night against our in-town rival, Mill Creek. Hoping for the big WIN!! I am still adjusting to being here in Gwinnett, but have decided to focus on the fact that I have been given an opportunity to earn a living working with kids. I do love my students no matter how frustrated I get with all of the things I cannot control at this time.

While home today with my son, I was able to enjoy some one-on-one time with my first born (if  only by a minute). We watched some TV together, raced some hot-wheels, and played soldier with Caroline's Cinderella castle. As I watched with wonder, I realized how much attention he pays to detail especially with setting up his soldiers strategically around the castle, and then lining up his cars in order of size and type. Often the quiet twin, Brody is mistaken for being slower sometimes than his sister who is very vocal and outward with what all she knows and can do because she is so excited and passionate about things. (Admittedly, this is a trait that is not the best at times and is often misunderstood though she does come by it honestly and it can be used for good).  However, he is in no way slower than his sister....he is just taking everything in and then carefully decides when and how to use what he knows. Have to say I am a pretty proud mama with respect to both of my children. They are simply amazing!! Love when they allow me little glimpses into their worlds and how they see things. I have learned so much from them.

Well, their dinner conversation is what has really prompted this was just too funny, and I had to share. Even if no one reads my blog because I am so horrible about updating it, maybe one person will and it will bring a smile to their face as it did mine.

While folding clothes as they were eating, I casually observed the conversation although careful not to reveal I am listening. (This is a skill I am honing for later use during the teenage years...I get lots of practice at school with my students and their conversations, but that's a whole different topic for another day.)

Brody and Caroline were discussing the fact that they love each other and how they are each other's best friend. Caroline was really missing the fact that Brody had not gone to school with her today. Brody reassured her that they were twins, so they would always be together as they always have been. I was so touched by their affection and genuine care for one another and pray that it always remains. Good to have someone in your corner, right? After a few minutes of brother/sister love, Brody told his sister that they would be getting married to each other when they were older because they were twins and had to stay together. They did not want to hear from me when I told them that brothers and sisters do not usually marry each other. (I'll leave off the Alabama, Kentucky, know you thought them though.)
They then wanted to know why and who they would marry then, to which I told them that God made someone special for them and that when the time was right, he would send that person to them. They pondered this for a bit, and then Brody said this: "God will give them good directions so they don't get lost and can find us, right?" After supressing my laughter, I assured him that God gives perfect directions and that there would be no trouble. This seemed to please him and then Caroline decided that they could all be best friends and live together and/or near each other.

I thought it was so sweet....and then I thought some more about God giving often do we not follow them?  So many times I thought I had the directions down pat and knew the way best only to have a road block in the way or end up at a dead end or driving in circles. So thankful for my son's comments because it has allowed me the opportunity to think about this-God knows best and scripts our lives in order that we may experience his best if we choose to follow him. We just have to be sure to follow his direction so as not to get lost along the way. I am also thankful for the fact that when we do lose our way and get going the wrong direction, He is there to provide roadside assistance to get us going back in the right direction. Didn't mean to turn this into a sermon, but it was just a thought I had while pondering what my son said earlier, so I thought I'd share.

Blessings this week to all....have a good one!!

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